It’s The Night Before School

It’s the night before school

And the kids are still up!

Six a.m. will be a bitch

I better set up my favorite K-cup.


The backpacks are waiting

By the front door

Alongside my running shoes

Gathering dust on the floor.


My “First Day” printables

Are cute as can be

So stay away from Facebook

Unless you can compete with me.


The lunch boxes are ready

To be packed with pizzazz!

Because believe me when I say

I love packing lunches as much as…


I love Go Math!

Don’t you dig it, too?

Common Core is almost as awesome

As the season that brings the flu.


The Nine West “First Day of Kindergarten” ad

Wasn’t all wrong.

There’ll be a welcome six and a half hour break

From the “Everything Is Awesome” song.


Their hair has been cut

Their sneakers have been bought

Their uniforms are washed

Whether they want to wear them or not.


I’ll cherish the memories of summer

Except the whining, bickering, and “I’M BORED!”

Because in just one more sleep

I will happily cut the cord!


The time sure goes by fast

Like a cheap nice bottle of wine

Except when I’m waiting

In an endless carpool line.


Let the homework and sniffles

And lice checks commence.

There’s no turning back

And there’s no good defense.


It’s time to embrace chaos

And science fair projects, oh dear!

My fellow Mamas, it’s once again time

For another crazy school year.


Filed under poem, school

8 responses to “It’s The Night Before School

  1. Jen Ragaglia

    Good luck Jen. We have a glorious two weeks left before …… School!?!!!???#{{*{*}%*+#{!!! Two weeks of in New England requires some Beach time because if we don’t make it….. See u next year.

    Jen Ragaglia



  2. bohemianbabushka



  3. aaaaaaah, a smile was EXACTLY what I needed. THANK YOU ❤


  4. lemontreelifecoach

    My kids go ask next week, and I’ve been feeling ambivalent about it. Sad about the more organic flow of summer… sleeping in, going on adventures, swimming every day, going to bed whenever we want, time together…. ending and turning into the tiring, busy schedules of school. But also I’ve had it with the whining, I’M BORED, fighting and no time to myself. So your post made me laugh and gave some comfort for this transition. Transitions are hard for me… still!


  5. Very cute poem!! Hope the first day went smoothly!


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